**I really don’t know how many of you will understand the seriousness of the issue that i’m going to telling you.Because it’s an issue of minority of people in India.Kindly spare your 5 minutes to read it and please share it with your friends**
There are group of people in India named FMG (Foreign Medical Graduates).Those are students from India who study MBBS in any country outside India.Foreign Medical Education is a blessing to lot of student’s who doesn’t have enough money to pay “Capitation Fee” in India.
For people who study MBBS at outside countries like China,Nepal,Philippines,Russia,Ukraine etc they have to write a screening exam named FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination) conducted by NBE(National Board Of Examination).Its conducted twice in every year (June and December). The screening test was introduced in 2002 as a qualifying examination for Indian students obtaining their medical degrees from outside India.Forconducting the exam the NBE gave contract to prometrics,which is a private body.
Every student go to abroad after getting an eligibility certificate from MCI (Medical Council Of India) and when they came back to India,there certificates will get stamped from Indian embassy from respective countries
AS in 2007 the number of MCI affiliated colleges in china was 24 and the number of students that can occupy by this 24 colleges was about 2095.But when it came to 2015,the total number of approved colleges in China became 45 and the number of affiliated seats is hiked to 3470.Similarly the number of MCI affiliated colleges and seats in countries like Russia,Ukraine,Philippines etc is increasing year by year.
You can check it from below link
Some people saying that NBE conduct the exam because the standard of education in these countries are low when compared to India.My question is if the quality education of this country is worse then why MCI is giving eligibility to these much of colleges??
Let’s come back to Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE).
The passing percentage of FMGE is always less than 9%.How this will happen when more than 6000 students in each term write the exam?? Here comes the role of private medical colleges .Suppose if the students starts to pass the exam easily,no one from India will study private medical colleges in India by paying lakhs of money. Every one will go to abroad and acquire the degree and came back and start practicing. To avoid this situation MCI,NBE and Private Medical Collages together play the game.NBE(National Borad Of Examinations) always set the question paper in PG or DNB level which normal undergraduates not able to answer easly.Andthey also trying through all possible ways to degrade Foreign Medical Graduates.Now you might think that I’m saying this without any proper evidences.Here are my points
- The exam is conducted as two days with different set of question..My question is how there will be an equality to this pattern when there the exam is conducted in two days with different set old questions
- The exam is conducting online but it take more than a month to declare the result (why this much of delay?cant they release the result on the same day or next day of exam since every procedure is online?)
- The exam fee of FMGE is 5500 while the exam fee of other competitive medical exams in India is maximum 3500
- They are not allowing examinees to retain their question paper after examination, or not showing the exact marks or answer sheet upon appeal for failure.(The student has the right to see his answer paper and rechek it again)
- An appeal petition filed under RTI India to reveal the marks of an appealing student was not granted.
(As per RTI act the bodies excluded from RTI act is : IB,Directorate General of Income tax(Investigation), RAW, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Central Economic Intelligence Bureau, Directorate of Enforcement, Narcotics Control Bureau, Aviation Research Centre, Special Frontier Force, BSF, CRPF, ITBP, CISF, NSG, Assam Rifles, Special Service Bureau, Special Branch (CID), Andaman and Nicobar, The Crime Branch-CID-CB, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Special Branch, Lakshadweep Police etc) neither MCI nor NBE is excluded from RTI,then why the request rejected by MCI?
- There are lot of students who got same mark more than one time in consecutive exam ( for example 146 mark for December 2014 exam and 146 mark for June 2015 exam) how it will happen for more than 100 students each time?
- They are not providing any particular syllabus or question guide or anything and always sets question from PG level (Since it’s a screening exam they questions has to be come from undergraduate level,not from PG level)
What is the difference between a FMG and a Private Medical College Graduate from India?? Actually no difference because they getting admission in India by paying 60 or 70 lakhs and FMG’s getting admission by paying 2 or 3 lakhs.If you ever got a chance to visit some private medical colleges in India,there are lot of colleges who doesn’t have even a proper class room or practical lab,but after 5 years they also will get the same MBBS degree and they will become doctors.There is lot of Medical Colleges in India who lost MCI affiliation everyyear.But those collages will use their money and political power and they will get back theaffiliation.this is what happening here in India.
Do you think that all the medical graduated from Private medical colleges from India is highly talented and have great practical knowledge after completing their 5 years in college?If a person came and ask deep detailed questions in PSM about the formulas of the IMR or GFR or about what’s the radius of the blood vessel with 2.ml/l flow. anyone think a doctor who finished in India would be able to answer all this.??I personally know lot of private medical college graduates who doesn’t even know how to put an Intravenous cannula properly and students even doesn’t know what’s the antidote of isoniazid.But to be frank they will be also become a trained doctor after their internship over.It is not because of the quality of the college they studied but just because they exposed to more patients.This is the exact situation of FMG’s.We might wont won’t have much practical knowledge but I personally know lot of FMG’s how became good doctors after their internship
And some people will say that not only in India,but also in USA there is eligibility test namedUSMLE.But the face behind the exam is that every US citizen have to write USMLE exam.Theywont consider whether the student got the MBBS degree from US or from any other country,every one have to write the exam.USMLE is not only a screening exam but also an exit exam.
LIke USMLE or PLAB why MCI is not conducting an exit exam( Medical graduates from India also have to pass the exam if they need to practice in India)??.Some months ago government tried to bring an exit exam but presently i came to know that government stopped this movement as they faced strong opposition from MCI and Private Medical Colleges.
Some people will think that those who have money are going abroad for medical study in china,Russia etc.It’s an absolute rubbish thought.Most of the students (>90%) going to abroad by taking educational loans from different banks in India.But the worst part is there is no interest subsidiary or any other considerations to FMG’s since we are acquiring degree from outside India (RBI says subsidy will be provided only of students study in India).The interest that FMG’s need to pay for educational loan is 14% while the interest for buying a luxury car is 9%.I just need to ask the RBI and Government one thing don’t a citizen in India have fundamental rights?The same government who saying that no interest subsidy for foreign medical graduates will buy tax from FMG’s soon after we get a job!!
Finally i would like tell you one thing.We are also Indians and we need proper justice and we also have right to live in this country.We are not saying that we don’t need the screening exam.Definitely we need the screening exam but the questions have to be asked from MBBS level not from PG or DNB level.Because of this unlawful methods of MCI and government,many FMG’s and their family are at the edge of suicide Because the banks doesn’t want to know whether the student passed the exam or not they need their money back and how a student who doesn’t pass the exam will repay the money??
For getting solved this issue several times Dr.Najeerul Ammen (President of All India Foreign Medical Graduates Association) tried to meet the Prime Minister,Health Minister and Health Secretary .But we didn’t get positive response from anyone.AIFMGA is trying hard to open doors but someone who is behind the curtain is purposely closing all the doors.AIFMGA is going to start a hunger strike at Delhi on 25th of September 2015 for getting proper justice for all FMG’s
If you think transparency is necessary for FMGE(Foreign Medical Graduates Examination),then kindly fill the following petition
So many people are talking about this subject without knowing the facts and figures that happening behind the curtain.so kindly share this article so that it will reach more people and the normal citizens will came to know our issues.
Let’s hope for a better tomorrow,and remember us in your prayer’s.
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