Thursday, May 28, 2020

imp. Biochemistry One-liners for FMGE

important One-Liners  for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Biochemistry

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1. In starvation there is an - Increase in Pyruvatekinase 

2. Musty odour urine is seen in - Phenylketanuria 

3. Vitamin necessary for post transitional modification - Vit.K 

4. Decarboxylation needs - Vit.B6 

5. Power house of the cell - Mitochondria 

6. Protein synthesis takes place in - Endoplasmic reticulum 

7. Daily secretion of bile by liver is amount of - 500-1000ml 

8. Haemorhagic disease of Newborn is seen due to deficiency of - Vit.K 

9. Acrodermatitis enteropathica is due to - Zinc deficiency 

10. Molybdenum is necessary for -
Xanthine oxidase 

11. Hartnup disease is due to deficiency of - Tryptophan 

12. Alkaptonuria is due to deficiency of - homogentisic acid oxidase 

13. In alkaptonuria,the deposition of substance - Homocysteine 

14. Vitamin used to correct neurological symptoms is - Cynocobalamine B12 

15. Wernicke-korsakoff psychosis /Beriberi caused by defeciency of - Thiamine B1 

16. Pellagra is caused by defeciency of - Niacin B3 

17. Burning foot syndrome is caused by defeciency of - Pantothenic 

18. Megaloblastic anemia/Neural tube defect caused by defeciency of - Folic acid 

19. Pernicious anemia caused by defeciency of - B12 

20. Sebhoric dermatitis caused by defeciency of - Riboflavin B2 

21. IHD is associated with which type of cholesterol -

22. Seen in chronic starvation - insulin decreases/glucagon & growth hormone increases/free fatty acids increases/glucose tolerance decreases. 

23. Southern blot test is used to detect - DNA 

24. Northern Blot test - RNA 

25. Western Blot test - Protein 

26. Vitamin used for inhibiting lactation - B6 

27. Wernicke’s encephalopathy is caused by defeciency of - B1 

28. Vitamin K dependant clotting factors are - fac.2,7,9,10

 29. Enzyme defecient in marfan’s syndrome is - Lysyl oxidase 

30. Reactions takes place in Mitochondria - krebs cycle,urea cycle,electron transfer,fatty acid cycle 

31. Melatonin is synthesised from - Tryptophan 

32. Amino acids excreted in the urine in cystinosis - cystine,ornithine,arginine,lysine 

33. In maple syrup urine dis. the aminoacids excreted n urine r -leucine,isoleucine,valine 

34. Sulphur containing amino acids -cysteine & methionine 

35. Conjugated hyperbillirubinemia s seen -Dubin jhonson synd. 

36. In Hartnup’s disease excreated in urine is- Tryptophan

 37. Bile contains - cholic acid,chenodeoxycholic,deoxycholic,lithocolic acids 

38. Cofactor for transamination is - Pyridoxine 

39. Vitamin essential for transamination - B6 

40. Phenyl pyruvic acid in the urine is detected by - Guthrie’s test 

41. In alkaptonuria the urine contains -
Homogentisic acid 

42. Insulin has - 51 amino acids 

43. Von gierke’s disease is due to defeciency of - galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase 

44. Essential fatty acids are - linoleic,linolenic & arachidonic acid 

45. Iron is absorbed actively in the - Duodenum 

46. vit.B12 is absorbed in the - Terminla ileum 

47. Highest content of triglycerides is seen in - Chylomicrons 

48. Atherosclerosis is due to - Apo protein E defeciency 

49. Triglyceride synthesis is increased by - Insulin 

50. Which is an essential amino acid - phenylalanine,lysine,leucine 

51. Insulin acts on which enzyme in glycolysis -

52. Present in cerebroside - Sphingosine,galactose 

53. Melatonin is derived from - Tryptophan 

54. Liver produces - albumin,fibrinogen,prothrombin & not gamma globulin 

55. Bile acids are formed from - cholesterol 

56. Heme in hemoglobin is in the - Hydrophobic pocket 

57. 17-Alpha hydroxylase defeciency causes - decreased testosterone 

58. Substance that does not cross blood brain barrier - Insulin 

59. Anti infective vitamin is - vitamin A1 

60. Tissue with highest glycogen content - Liver 

61. Detoxification of drugs is controlled by -
cytochrome P450 

62. Anti atherosclerotic lipoprotein is - HDL 

63. MC enzyme defeciency in man is - glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 

64. Largest amounts of prostaglandins are seen in - Seminal fluids 

65. Sulphonamides are conjugated by - Glucoronic acid 

66. Which amino acid causes Hypoglycemia - Leucine 

67. Vitamin present in co-enzyme A is - pantothenic acid 

68. Insulin resistance is seen in - hypothyroidism,acromegaly 

69. Fatty acid not synthesised in the body is - linoleic acid

70. Albinism results from deficiency of - Tyrosinase 

71. Enzymes stored in muscle is-

72. Secondary hyper parathyroidism is caused by - CRF 

73. Abnormal Urinary constituents are - albumin, ketone, glucose 

74. Urinary constituents - amino acids, urea, creatinine 

75. Polyuria is seen in - DM,diabetes insipidus,recovery from acute nephritis 

76. Polypeptide hormones are - insulin,angiotensin,growth hormones 

77. Physiological constituents of urine - urea,creatinine 

78. Major site of action of insulin - muscle,adipose tissue liver 

79. Semi essential aminoacids are - Arginine,histidine 

80. Ratio of adrenaline to noradrenaline - 85:15 

81. Examples of monounsaturated fatty acids are -
oleic acid 

82. Acidic amino acids are - asparagine,glutamine 

83. Basic amino acids are - arginine,lysine 

84. Aromatic amino acids are - tryptophan,tyrosine,phenylalanine 

85. Total body iodine stores are about - 50mg 

86. vit.C is present in largest amount in the body in - Adrenal cortex 

87. Tetany can be caused by - hypocalcemia,hypomagnesemia 

88. Ketone bodies are - Acetoacetate 

89. Bile acids are derived from - cholesterol 

90. Which is completely dependant on glucose as fuel - Retina

 91. Immediate precursor of nor epinephrine is - Dopamine 

92. Uric acid levels are increased in - pre-eclampsia,hodgkins lymphoma,leukemia 

93. Metal in vit.B12 is -

94. Ammonia in the brain is converted into - Glutamine 

95. Dopamine synthesis in brain is increased by - Carbidopa 

96. Calcium binding protein is - Troponin-C 

97. Metabolite of epinephrine is - Metanephrine 

98. End product of purine metabolism is - Uric acid 

99. Vitamin A overdosage causes injury to - Lysosomes 

100. Myocardium normally utilises - Fatty acid 

101. Max. amount of serum cholesterol is found in - LDL 

102. Vitamin that is useful in cancer is vitamin - A 

103. Enzyme acetylcholine esterase is synthesised in - Liver 

104. Urea in the Brain is derived from - Glutamine 

105. Non-essential aminoacid is - Tyrosine 

106. Enzyme primarily responsible for protein degradation in stomach - Pepsin 

107. Increased anion gap is seen in - renal failure, lactic acidosis, DKA 

108. Cholesterol from the liver is transported to the tissues mainly by the - VLDL

109. Precursor of steroid - cholesterol 

110. Maple syrup urine disease is due to the deficiency of - Decarboxylation 

111. Amino acid that can be converted into vitamin is - tryptophan 

112. Main function of mitochondria is - electron transfer 

113. Histamine is produced by - decarboxylation 

114. Glutathione is a - tripeptide 

115. Ketone body formation takes place in - liver 

116. Xantheurenic acid is a product of metabolism of - Tryptophan 

117. Neurotransmitter is - Glutamine 

118. DNA double helix is bound by - Hydrogen bond 

119. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is seen in - vongierke’s disease 

120. Which is not seen in starvation - hypercholesterolemia 

121. Muscle glycogen is mainly used for supplying energy to - heart 

122. Enzyme marker of electron transport system is - cytochrome reductase 

123. Major contribution towards gluconeogenesis is by - Alanine 

124. Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin requires - factors-7,10,5 & Ca2+ 

125. Which does not inhibit platelet aggregation - Thromboxane A2 

126. Conversion of proline to hydroxyproline is by - vit.C mediated hydroxylation 

127. Ketone body which is maximum in DKA - Acetoacetic acid 

128. Biotin is essential for - carboxylation 

129. Ketoacidosis without glycosuria is seen in - prolonged starvation

130. Protein synthesis takes place in - Endoplasmic reticulam 

131. NADPH is required in - lipogenesis 

132. Dietary fibre is rich in - Pectin 

133. Lipid which accumulates in fatty liver is - Triglycerides 

134. Gluconeogenesis occurs in the- liver & Kidney 

135. Germ oil has high content of vitamin - E 

136. Melanin is synthesised from - phenylalanine 

137. Obesity is associated with - decreased insulin response 

138. Glycerol is converted to glucose in - Liver 

139. vit.K plays an essential role in - biosynthesis of prothrombin & proconvertin 

140. Preservative used in urine samples for chemical analysis is - Thymol 

141. Heart muscle in comparison to skeletal muscle has - high carnosine 

142. pH of normal sweat is - 4.5 

143. Urea is mainly formed in liver & to small extent in - Brain 

144. Pantothenic acid acts on - CoA 

145. Fluoride ions act by inhibiting - Enolase 

146. Deficiency of which vitamin is not known in newborn - E 

147. Toad skin is seen in deficiency of vitamin - A 

148. Resting membrane potential is close to the isoelectrical potential of - Cl 

149. Infant’s gastric juice pH is - 5.0 

150. Enzyme diagnostic of MI in acase of hypothyroidism - CPK-MB 

151. Transaminase an enzyme is most abundant in - Heart 

152. White hair is due to - deficiency of melanin 

153. Anticoagulant used for preserving blood for PT estimation is - sodium citrate 

154. Biotin deficiency is characterised by - muscular pain, nausea, dermatitis 

155. Zinc is a component of - carbonic anhydrase,insulin,carboxypeptidase 

156. Respiratory quotient of fat, protein & carbohydrate are - 0.70-0.80-1.0 

157. In glycolysis which of the ions is most important - Mg 

158. Prostaglandins - are acyclic fatty acid derivatives 

159. Thiouracil inhibits thyroid function by - inhibition of thyroxine synthesis 

160. Cytochromes are - iron-porphyrin proteins 

161. Vitamin acts as a respiratory catalyst - vit.C 

162. Histidine decarboxylase is present in - liver & kidney 

163. Dietary changes are not required in - wilsons disease 

164. Codon consists of - 3 consecutive nucleotide units 

165. Coenzymes are - non-protein organic compounds 

166. Hair is rich in amino acid - Cystine 

167. Component of co-enzyme A - pantothenic acid,adenylic acid,sulphydryl group 

168. Renin is present in - stomach

169. Methionine is important in - formation of choline 

170. Actinomycin D interferes with enzyme induction by combining with - DNA 

171. Ketone bodies are by products of metabolism of - Fats 

172. Lactate dehydrogenase is - Isozyme 

173. Creatinine is formed metabolically from - Arginine 

174. Blood brain barrier is maximally permeable to - CO2 

175. Which of the following vitamin is destroyed by heat - Biotin 

176. Daily normal excretion of ketone bodies - 1.0mg 

177. Hexokinase is a - Transferase 

178. Which is the by product of the urea cycle - Fumarate 

179. False positive reaction of glucose is seen with - Aspirin 

180. Which of the following is not a trace element - Ca+ 

181. Chitin is a - Polysachride 

182. Biuret test is mainly done for - Protein 

183. In metabolic acidosis, true about urinary change is - increase in Ammonia 

184. Monoclonal electrophoresis is useful in the diagnosis of - Multiple myeloma 

185. Basic structural unit from which fatty acids are derived - Acetyl Co A 

186. Precursor of cholesterol synthesis is - Acetyl CoA 

187. Whole wheat is an excellent source of - Thiamine 

188. Siderophyllin is - transferrin 

189. Which of the following is not a phospholipid - cerebroside 

190. Triglycerides in serum are transported by -VLDL 

191. Which of the following is a initiating amino acid for protein synthesis - Methionine 

192. In mammalian cells protein sequence takes place chiefly at the - nucleolus 

193. Insulin resistance may be due to - Acromegaly 

194. Cytochromes are - iron-porphyrin proteins 

195. Which of the following is seen in obstructive jaundice - excess of bile salts in the urine 

196. Which of the following cannot be metabolized in the body - sucrose 

197. High threshold substance is - glucose 

198. Million’s test is used for detection of - Tyrosine 

199. HMP shunt great importance in cellular metabolism because it produces - NADPH 

200. Urea is produced by the enzyme - Arginase 

201. Actinomycin D interferes with enzyme induction by combining with - DNA

 202. A bi-lipid layer is most permeable to - Urea 

203. The lactate dehydrogenase levels are increased in - Glycine 

204. The most direct precursor of taurine is - Cysteine 

205. Aromatic ring is present in - phenylalanine

206. A substance having affinity but no intrinsic activity is - Antagonist 

207. Ferritin an inactive form of iron is stored in - liver 

208. First product of glycogenolysis is - glucose-1-phosphate 

209. C-AMP increases glycogenolysis by - contributing phosphate 

210. Bohr effect is - effect of PCO2 on oxyhemoglobin dissociation 

211. Tea and coffee contains - tannin 

212. Specific dynamic action is- energy expenditure on consumption of foods 

213. Ingestion of benzoic acid in man results in an increase in urinary- hippuric acid 

214. An essential amino acid in man is- L- methionine 

215. The mucopolysaccharide hyaluronic acid is found primarily in - vitreous humor

 216. An amino acid not involved in urea synthesis is- histidine 

217. The most abundant protein in the human body is - collagen 

218. Sorbitol is- sugar alcohol 

219. Dicumarol is an antimetabolite of- vit K 

220. Inhibition of glycolysis by O2 is known as- Pasteur effect 

221. In human body which of the following trace element in next to iron- Cu++ 

222. Which of the following is a dietary essential- linoleic acid 

223. Patients with severe renal disease may not be able to use normal dietary sources of vitamin- D 

224. Winslow test is used to estimate serum or urinary- amylase 

225. PH is maximum in- pancreatic secretion 

226. Dawn phenomenon refers to -after breakfast hypoglycemia 

227. Ehrlich’s test done to detect- urobilinogen 

228. Benzidine test is positive with the enzyme- peroxidase 

229. Cyanide is toxic because it- inhibits cytochrome oxidase

230. The substance essential for transfer fatty acids across mitochondrial membrane

231. carnitine 

232. Which of the following organs can’t use ketone bodies- liver 

233. Lipid from tissues is carried to liver by - HDL 

234. Unsaturated fatty acids are converted to - Prostaglandins 

235. Vitamin necessary for CoA synthesis - Pantothenic acid 

236. Lamin is present in - inner nuclear membrane 

237. NADPH is used in - Fatty acid synthesis 

238. People eating only maize as staple diet develop niacin deficiency due to - high leucine 

239. Thromboxane is mostly produced by - Platelet 

240. Alcohol-uric jaundice is caused by - hemolytic jaundice 

241. Triple helix is seen in - collagen 

242. Urinary protein is detected by - Barfoed test 

243. Glutathione peroxidase contains - selenium 

244. Cholesterol is a - steroid 

245. Saturated fatty acid is present in high quality - coconut oil 

246. Keratin is chemically - cystine 

247. Untreated diabetes leads to - tissue use fatty acids as main fuel 

248. MCC of lactic acidosis - Circulatory failure 

249. Not a cause of metabolic acidosis - climbing to high altitudes 

250. Vitamin also acting as hormone - Vit D 

251. Proteins binding to DNA has - Zinc 

252. DNA fragments are separated by - agarose gel electrophoresis

253. Ferritin stores are present in sites - intestine/liver/spleen but not in - bone 

254. Osmolarity is - moles per liter of solvent 

255. In Beri-Beri which enzyme activity is measured - Transketolase 

256. An exclusive protein meal intake will cause - Hypoglycemia 

257. Heart uses one of the following as energy source during starvation - Acetoacetate 

258. In Maple syrup urine absence FeCl3 test with urine gives colour - Blue 

259. Carnitine is formed from - Lysine 

260. Arthritis occur in - Alkaptonuria 

261. Norepinephrine is converted to epinephrine by - N-methylation 

262. Most important compensatory mechanism in metabolic acidosis - Hyperventilation 

263. Translation occurs at - Ribosome 

264. The reaction inhibited in thiamine defeciency is - pyruvate to acetyl CoA 

265. Skeletal muscle is deficient in - glucose -6-phosphate

266. Familial hypercholesterolemia is - deficient of LDL receptors 

267. Cholesterol maximally carried in - LDL 

268. Most abundant collagen in body is - Type-1 

269. What is the technique by which DNA can be amplified - polymerase chain reaction 

270. Null mutation is - mutation which produces no functional gene product 

271. Which one is non sense codon- UAG,UGA 

272. Which of the following amino acid ss assoc. with increased risk of MI - Homocysteine 

273. Glutathione peroxidase contains - selenium 

274. Which one of the following enzyme use NADP as co-enzyme - G6PD 

275. Fatty acids of cholesterol are mainly - palmitic & stearic acid 

276. Shortest peptide is - encephalin 

277. FIGLU is a metabolite of - Histidine 

278. Which is a fructosan - Inulin 

279. Saponification means hydrolysis of fats by - Alkali 

280. In pregnancy amount of glucose used in GTT - 100mg 

281. Total number of genes in a human being is - 50,000 

282. Naturally occuring amino acid - hydroxyproline

 283. Northern blot is - amplification of mRNA 

284. Source of ammonia in urine is - Glutaminase

 285. Bilirubin is produced from - hemoglobin/myoglobin 

286. Pyruvate utilization in tissues is decreased in - Beri-Beri 

287. Amino acid used in the synthesis of purines - Glycine 

288. In porphyria cutanea tarda the type of porphyrin excreted in urine is -type 1&3 uroporphyrins

289. Chromosomal nomenclature is based on - position of centromere 

290. Not seen in - thiamine deficiency - cerebellar dysfunction 

291. Warm auto antibodies are seen in - SLE 

292. Xeroderma pigmentosum is produced as a result of defect in - DNA ligase

 293. Fatty acids does not produce glucose due to absence of -phosphophenolpyruvatekinase 

294. Best indicator of iron deficiency - serum ferritin 

295. Chylomicrons belong to group - Apo-B

 296. In the fasting state glucose is obtained from - muscle glycogen 

297. Steroid biosynthesis occur at - smooth endoplasmic 

298. Ketone bodies are formed in the - Liver 

299. New DNA synthesis occurs in - interphase 

300. Membrane phospholipid that does not contain glycerol is - Sphingomyelin

 301. Antioxidants - vit A,C,E 

302. End-product of the action of salivary amylase is – Maltose 

303. Severe muscular exercise causes - Lactic acidosis 

304. Vitamin A is stored mainly as retinol esters in - liver 

305. Idiopathic nyctalopia is due to a hereditary - absence of rod function

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