important One-Liners for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Forensic Medicine
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1. Conduct money is paid to expert witness with summons from - Civil court
2. Leading questions are permitted during - Cross examination
3. Time limit for cross examination - No time limit
4. Immediate stiffness postmortem occurs in - cadaveric spasm
5. Cadaveric spasm - Occurs immediately after death
6. 1st sign of decomposition in dead body - Green discolouration skin over Lt iliac fossa
7. Casper’s dictum is for evaluation of - Time since death.
8. Post mortem staining gets fixed after - 6-7hrs
9. Davidson body is useful in - sex determination of the individuals
10. Davidson’s body is absent in males
11. Dactylography is (Thumb printing sign) - Surest sign of identification
12. Least common type of finger print is - Composite
13. Tattoo is useful in identifying a body which is - Dead
14. Preauricular sulcus is useful in determination of - Sex (Narrow,shallow in males & Broad,deep in females)
15. Best bone specimen for sex determination is - Pelvis
16. Time limit for exhumation of a dead body in india is - No Limit
17. EDH commonly occurs in - Temporo-parietal region
18. Stellate wound is seen in - Contact wound
19. Teeth bite marks is an example of - Pressure abrasion
20. Abrasion collar is seen in - Bullet injury.
21. Arborescent burning is due to - Lightening
22. White lathery froth is seen in deaths due to - Drowning
23. Paltauf’s haemorhages are seen in - Wet drowning
24. Horizontal ligature mark in neck is seen in - Ligature strangulation
25. Maximum congestion is seen in - Strangulation
26. Cutis anserine is seen in - Antemortem drowning
27. Hyoid fracture is most commonly found in - Throttling
28. Female can give consent to sex if she is above - 18yrs
29. Posthumous child - born after death of his father.
30. Superfoetation means - fertilization of 2nd ovum in an already pregnant woman
31. Spalding sign indicates - Dead borne child
32. Spalding sign occurs because of - Maceration
33. Antidote for cyanide - Hydroxyl cobalamine.
34. Arsenic poisoning is confused with - Acute gastro enteritis.
35. Gastric lavage is contra indicated in - Corrosive acid poisoning
36. Cobra snake venom is - Neuro toxic
37. Antidote for Opiate poisoning - Naloxone
38. Site for collection of blood in alcohol poisoning - Femoral vein
39. Cholera like action is seen in poisoning with - Ricinus communis
40. Parasthesia of hands & feet,Mees lines in nails & raindrop pigmentation in
hands,causative toxin - Arsenic
41. Magnesium sulphate lavage is done in poisoning with - Phenol
42. Burtonian line is seen in chronic poisoning of - Lead
43. In Lead poisoning, diagnostic increase in levels of - Corproporphyrin
44. Hypocalcaemia is seen in poisoning of - Oxalic acid
45. Leathery stomach is seen in poisoning of - Phenol
46. Garlic like smell can be detected in - Aluminium phosphide poisoning
47. Death in copper sulphate poisoning occurs due to - Renal failure
48. Criminal responsibility under IPC is not present if age is below - 7yrs
49. Feminine form of impotence is - Frigidity
50. Dipsomania is usually used in context of - Alcohol
51. Ratio between blood ethyl alcohol to urine ethyl alcohol concentration is -
52. Cu sulphate poisoning manifests with - Acute hemolysis
53. Boxer’s attitude is seen in person dying of - Burns
54. Disease causing modification of finger points - Leprosy
55. The Knot in judicial hanging is placed at - Side of the neck
56. Dilated pupils with high body temperature is seen in - Dhatura poisoning
57. Marbling is noticed by - 36hrs
58. Automatism is seen in poisoning with - Barbiturates
59. Rigor mortis is also known as - Death stiffening/cadaveric rigidity
60. Following will determine the species origin of blood - Precipitin test
61. Child after eating snacks develop dilated pupils,sweating,warm extremities,
coma - Dhatura poisoning
62. Cyanides mainly affect the enzyme - Cytochrome oxidase
63. Chielotic line is - Line on hip bone for sex determination
64. Pinpoint pupils are seen in - Morphine/Barbiturates/OPC
65. Dried semen stains on clothes are identified by - Ultraviolet rays
66. Most common organ affected in blast injury - Lungs
67. Damage caused by bullet depends upon - Velocity
68. Countercoupe injury of the brain is seen at - just opposite to the site of impact
69. Countercoupe injury is MC seen in - moving head collide with stationary object.
70. Onset of rigor mortis is delayed in - Polio/Pneumonia
71. Death in police custody is investigated by - Magistrate
72. Res ipsa loquitur means - Evidence speaks for itself
73. Dying deposition is recorded by - Magistrate
74. Professional secrecy may be divulged - by demand of the court
75. Cephalic index helps in identification of - Race
76. Most common type of finger impression is - Loops
77. Most specific & diagnostic feature of antemortem hanging is - Ligature mark
78. Dirt’s collar is seen in - Fire arm entry wound
79. Bevelling of skull is seen in - Broad end of entry point in bullet injury
80. Kunkel’s test done to demonstrate presence of what in blood - Carbon monoxide.
81. Spermin in semen is detected by - Barberio test
82. Sign indicating death was Antemortem - Weed & Grass in the Hands
83. IPC 377 deals - Unnatural sexual effence
84. Ewing’s postulates refer to - Accidents as a cause by birth
85. Tripod of life means - Circulation,respiration,&Brain function
86. Fatal dose of strychnine is about - 60-100mg
87. Lacerated wound resembles incised wound if it is present in - Forehead/Scalp
88. Which is a spinal poison - Strychnine
89. Fracture ala signature is - Depressed #
90. Burking is - always homicidal
91. Cafe coronary syndrome is - Accidental
92. Gutter fracture is due to - Oblique bullet wound
93. Sweating is not present in - Heat stroke
94. Finger print bureau was 1st established in - India {Calcutta (now Kolkata)}
95. Gastric wash is contraindicated in poisoning of - Sulphuric acid
96. Tail of the wound tells about - Direction of wound
97. Diwali poisoning is due to - Phosphorus
98. Nux vomica contains brucine in - Strychnine
99. Among 2ry changes in tooth most useful for age determing - Root transparency
100. Transplant of human organs, passed by govt of India in - 1994
101. Cu sulphate poisoning manifests with - Acute hemolysis
102. Postmortem rigidity 1st starts in - Eyelids
103. Sex can be examined in hair root cells in presence of - Barr body
104. Telefono is - Beating of the ears
105. In autopsy preservative used for vitreous is - Fluoride
106. Hydrocution is - drowning in cold water
107. Toxicity of methyl alcohol is due to - Formic acid
108. Falanga - Beating on soles with blunt object
109. MC characteristic of heat rupture - Irregular margin
110. Persons adult age is - 18yrs
111. Defloration means - Loss of virginity
112. EDTA is used in - Arsenic poisoning
113. Tentative cut is a feature of - Suicidal attempt
114. Majority of finger prints among Indians are - Loops
115. Pearsons formula is used for - Stature
116. Disease which permanently alters the finger print is - Leprosy
117. Faint letter mark can be made visible by - Infrared photography
118. Whiplash injury is caused due to - Acute hyperextension of spine
119. Cephalic index of indian population is between - 70-75
120. Study of death in all its aspects is known as - Thanatology
121. Provisional callus forms in fracture of bone by - 7days
122. Motorcyclist’s fracture - Hinge fracture of base of skull
123. Lucid interval may be seen in - Insanity
124. Slab wound - Depth is maximum
125. Sexual asphyxia is association with - Masochism
126. Burking consist of - Smothering & Traumatic asphyxia
127. Benzidine test detects - Haemoglobin
128. Florence test is used for - Semen
129. Medico-legal autopsy requires the permission of - Police
130. Corpus delicti means - Essence of crime
131. Minimum quantity of blood to be preserved for chemical analysis is - 10ml
132. CSF is required to be preserved in - Alcoholic poisoning
133. Ideal place to record body temperature in a dead body is - Rectum
134. Rigor mortis occurs first in which involuntary muscles - Myocardium (1/2 - 1 Hr)
Last muscle in Rigor mortis - Toes
135. Rigor mortis occurs first in which voluntary muscles - Muscles of eyelids (2-3 Hrs)
136. Postmortem Lividity is aka- Vibices
137. Rigor mortis occurs due to – ATP depletion
138. Moist burn refers to – Scalds
139. Strycgnine Poisoning mimics- Tetanus
140. Minamata disease is due to – Mercury
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