Friday, May 29, 2020

Hypersensitivity Explained by Dr. Akhilesh Jhamad

Subject :- Microbiology
Topic:- Hypersensitivity
Teacher:_ Dr. Akhilesh Jhamad

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Thursday, May 28, 2020

imp. Psychiatry One-liners for FMGE

important One-Liners  for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Psychiatry

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1. Acrophobia Height of Fear 

2. Nyctophobia Fear of Darkness 

3. Zoophobia Fear of Animals 

4. Xenophobia Fear of Strangers 

5. Algophobia Fear of Pain 

6. Claustrophobia Fear of closed places 

7. Trypanophobia Fear of Medical Procedure 

8. Arachnophobia Fear of spiders 

9. Necrophobia Fear of Death 

10. Aquaphobia Fear of Water 

11. Iatrophobia
Fear of Doctors 

12. Pharmacophobia Fear of Taking medicines 

13. Thanatophobia Fear of Death 

14. Acrophobia Fear of Height

15. Five psycho sexual stages of developement - (Sigmond Fraud) 

16. Most severe Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - Delirium tremens 

17. Most common symptom of Alcohol withdrawal - Tremor

18. Drug dependance is a term - Includes both drug addiction & habituation 

19. Most common psychiatric emergency - Suicide 

20. Suicidal tendencies are most commonly seen in - Involutional melancholia 

21. Dementia is a feature of -
Pellagra /vitB12 deficiency 

22. Drugs most useful in treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder - Fluoxetine 

23. Pt. With depressive psychosis - feel better in evening than morning 

24. Thyrotoxicosis is most commonly associated with - Anxiety 

25. Most common post operative psychiatric condition - Delirium 

26. Side effects of prolonged phenytoin therapy - Osteomalacia/Gumhyperplasia/ Megaloblastic anemia 

27. Definite contraindication to ECT - Brain tumor 

28. Features of morphine withdrawal - piloerection/insomnia/discharge from nose

 29. DOC for prophylaxis of mania is - Lithium 

30. DOC Gen.Anxiety disorder - Benzodiazepines 

31. DOC for Panic disorder -

32. DOC for attention defecit disorder in children/Adult - Methylphenidate/ Atomoxetine 

33. DOC for OCD - Fluoxetine 

34. Absolute contraindication lithium therapy - Renal failure

35. DOC in MDP (manic depressive psychosis) - Lithium 

36. Long term use of lithium result in -Hypothyroidism 

37. MC side effect of lithium therapy-Tremor 

38. MC cardiovascular side effect in lithium therapy - T inversion 

39. Defense mechanism in phobia is - Displacement 

40. Treatment for acute manic episode - sodium valproate 

41. Anorexia nervosa is characterised by
-amenorrhea/ weightloss /hypothermia 

42. Excessive eating followed by purging using laxative in 20yr/F-Bulimia nervosa 

43. Cognitive model of depression is given by - Beck 

44. Korsackoff’s psychosis - lesion in - mammiliary bodies 

45. Tactile hallucination seen in - cocaine 

46. Hallucination occurs at start of sleep - hypnagogic hallucination 

47. Visual hallucination seen in - Alcoholism 

48. Visual hallucination without Auditory hallucination is seen in - organic brain damage. 

49. Most common Hallucinations seen in functional psychosis - Auditory 

50. Cognition is thought 

51. Delusion is disorder of thought 

52. Allodynia is - feeling pain to a normal non painful stimulus 

53. Alexithymia is - Inability to recognise & describe feelings 

54. Oniomania is a disorder of compulsive - buying 

55. Dipsomania is - Compulsive drinking 

56. Impulse for setting fire is known as - Pyromania 

57. Confabulation is defect of memory 

58. Confabulation means making stories to fill gaps in memory loss 

59. Many of our bad habits of day to day life can be removed by - Negative conditioning 

60. Loosening of association is an example of - Formal thought disorder 

61. Deja vu is seen in -
Temporal lobe epilepsy/Normal person/Psychosis 

62. Apraxia is a disorder in - Initiating & planning movement 

63. Protein involved in Alzheimer disease - Apo E Gene 

64. Features of Alzheimer disease - recent memory loss 

65. Reinforcement is used in - conditioned learning

66. Difference between neurosis & psychosis -  Insight 

67. Delirium & schizophrenia differ from each other by - complete consciousness 

68. 1 week before incidence recall is called as - Recent memory 

69. One of the important defense mechanism is - Repression 

70. Treatment is not required in withdrawal of -

71. Wernicke’s encephalopathy can be prevented by - Thiamine supplements 

72. Karsakoff’s psychosis is diagnosed by - impairment of long term memory. 

73. Feeling of creeping insects is seen in - cocaine abuse 

74. Naltrexone is used in opioid dependance to - prevent relapse 

75. Drug used in long term maintanence in opioid addiction - Methadone 

76. Yawning is a common feature of - Opioid withdrawal 

77. Morbid jealousy is seen with – cannabis 

78. physical dependance is not seen with - cannabis 

79. Most common substance abuse in India is - Tobacco 

80. Flash Back seen with -

81. Delusion of Doubles is found in - Capgras syndrome 

82. TOC in depression with suicidal tendencies - Electroconvulsive therapy 

83. Nero transmitter that is associated with suicidal tendencies - serotonin 

84. Suicidal tendency is seen in - schizophrenia/Depression 

85. Pseudo dementia is seen in - Depression 

86. Nihilistic ideas seen in - Depression/Cotard’s syndrome

87. Nihilistic delusions seen in - Endogenous depression/Double depression 

88. Characters of catatonic schizophrenia - negativism/cataplexy/automatic obedience 

89. Poor prognostic factor in schizophrenia is - gradual onset/Hebephrenic Schizophrenia 

90. Echolalia is recognized feature of - childhood Autism/catatonic schizophrenia 

91. Suicidal tendencies seen in -
depression/schizophrenia/substance abuse 

92. Lack of insight is not a feature of - panic disorder 

93. Definitive treatment of all types of phobias - Behaviour therapy 

94. Obsessive compulsive neurosis patient is likely to develop - Depression 

95. Patient with symptoms mimic heart disease with normal ECG & x-ray - panic attack 

96. A person has different multiple personality is suffering from - Dissociative disorder 

97. Indication for ECT - Depression with suicidal tendencies/catatonic schizophrenia 

98. Amnesia is found in - Head injury 

99. Squeeze technique is used for - premature ejaculation 

100. Most accurate treatment of Erectile dysfunction - Sildenefil 

101. Alpha rhythm is seen in -
REM sleep 

102. Non-REM sleep is commonly associated with - Night terrors 

103. Characteristic features of Schizoid personality is - Emotional coldness 

104. Antisocial personality is seen with - Drug abuse 

105. 9 yr old child disturbs other people, is destructive, interferes when two people are talking, does not follow instructions and cannot wait for his turn while playing game, He is likely to be suffering with - Attention defecit hyperactivity disorder 

106. Autism is - Social & language communication problem

 107. X-linked disease leading to mental retardation - Fragile-x-syndrome 

108. Not common feature of Anorexia nervosa - Binge eating 

109. Beta blockers are indicated in - Anxiety 

110. MC Complication of ECT - Retrograde Amnesia 

111. Absolute contra indication to ECT - Brain tumor 

112. MC hallucination type in Delirium - -Visual

113. Sexual arousal due to exposure of one’s genitalia – Exhibitionism 

114. Oneroid state is – Dream like state 

115. Mc dementia in down syndrome – Alzheimer dementia 

116. MC presenting symptoms in depression – Body aches 

117. MC symptom a/w adult ocd – Pathological doubt 

118. Minimal brain dysfunction – ADHD 

119. MC psychiatric disorder after stroke – Depression 

120. Tic douloureux characterized by –

121. Cataplexy characterized by – decrease muscle tone 

122. Mc type of delusion – delusion of persecution 

123. Masturbation is also known as – Onaism 

124. Characteristic of histrionic personality disorder- Attention seeking behavior 

125. DHAT syndrome – Passage of urine in semen 

126. Scatologia is – paraphilla 

127. Magical thinking seen in – Schizotypal 

128. Decrease sexual desire in female – frigidity 

129. Amotivation syndrome is caused by – Cannabis 

130. CAT test is used in – Delirium 

131. Intense depression ad misery without any cause is - Melancholia

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imp. Radiology One-liners for FMGE

important One-Liners  for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Radiology
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1. Maximum permissible radiation exposure per person per year - 5rem 

2. Air crescent sign on chest radiograph - Aspergilloma 

3. Hair on end/crew cut/hair brush appearance is seen in - Thalassemia 

4. Crescent sign on IV urogram/pyelogram - Hydronephrosis 

5. Double barrel sign on USG is seen in -
Obstructive Jaundice 

6. Golden-S is characteristic of - Bronchogenic Ca 

7. Snow storm appearance on obstetrical USG - Hydatiform mole 

8. Cobble stoning of colon is seen in - Crohn’s disease 

9. Kerley-B lines in CXR is diagnostic of - Heart failure 

10. Egg on side appearance is seen in - Uncorrected TGA 

11. Egg shell calcification in hilar nodes suggest -

12. Water lily sign is seen in - Hydatid disease 

13. Thimbled Bladder & Golf hole ureters is seen in - Renal TB 

14. Notching of Ribs is seen in - Coarctation of Aorta 

15. Looser’s zone/pseudo # /Milk man’s # are seen in -

16. Tram-track appearance in skull radiograph is seen in - Sturge-weber syndrome 

17. Cotton wool appearance in skull radiograph is seen in - Paget’s disease of bone 

18. Box-shaped heart is found in - Ebstein’s Anamoly 

19. Money bag/leather bottle/flask shaped heart is seen in- Pericardial effusion 

20. Pericardial effusion is best diagnosed by -

21. Coiled spring appearance is seen in - Intussusception 

22. Spoke-wheel pattern/Sun-burst appearance of calcification in bone - Hemangioma 

23. Mercedes Benz sign - Air in Gall stones 

24. Wimberger sign is found in - Rickets 

25. Double duct sign on USG -
Pancreatic Ca 

26. Central Dot sign on CT scan is seen is - Caroli’s disease 

27. Champagne glass pelvis is seen in - Achondroplasia 

28. Chain of lakes appearance on ERCP - chronic pancreatitis 

29. Sentinel loops on x-ray are seen in - Acute pancreatitis 

30. Popcorn calcification is seen in - Pulmonary hamartom

31. Gold standard test for pulmonary embolism - Pulmonary Angiography 

32. IOC for pulmonary embolism - Contrast CT 

33. IOC for most Gall bladder pathologies - USG 

34. IOC in Traumatic paraplegia is - MRI 

35. IOC in Aortic dissection is - MRI 

36. IOC for Bronchiectasis - High resolution CT/Bronchography.

37. Initial investigation for Amoebic liver abscess is -USG 

38. Frankel’s line on radiology of long bones is seen in - Scurvy 

39. Best route for cerebral Angiography - Trans femoral route 

40. Filament in x-ray machine is composed of -

41. Roentgen is the unit of - Radiation exposure 

42. Most radio sensitive ovarian tumor - Dysgerminoma 

43. Most radio sensitive tissue is - Bone marrow/Gonads 

44. Most radiosensitive cells are - lymphocytes 

45. Most sensitive structure in cell for radiotherapy - DNA 

46. Most chemosensitive tumour - Choriocarcinoma 

47. Most common malignant bone tumor post irradiation is - Osteosarcoma 

48. Radiation exposure does not occur in – MRI 

49. Non-ionic water soluble contrast agent – Iohoexol 

50. Stochastic effect of radiation –
Genetic mutation 

51. Pre operative investigation for Down’ syndrome - Echocardiography 

52. First sign of hydrocephalus in children is- Sutural diastasis 

53. Bone scan in multiple myeloma shows - Cold spot 

54. Cobra head deformity is characteristic feature of - ureterocoele 

55. Minimal ascites can be best detected by-

56. IOC for an ectopic pregnancy is - Transvaginal USG 

57. Most radio sensitive testicular tumor - Seminoma 

58. Absolute C/I of MRI is - Pacemaker/Aneurysmal clip 

59. Gaseless abdomen seen in – Acute pancreatitis

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imp. Derma One-liners for FMGE

important One-Liners  for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Dermatology
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1. Drug causing Acanthosis nigricans - Nicotinic acid 

2. Target/Iris lesions r seen in - Erythema multiforme 

3. Causative agent of Chancroid - Hemophillus Ducrei 

4. Important feature of psoriasis is - Silver scales 

5. Freis test is diagnostic of - Lymphogranuloma venerium 

6. Which is known as Gift spots - Leuconychia 

7. Causative organism for common warts - Human papilloma virus 

8. Most specific test for Syphilis - FTA-ABS 

9. Photochemotherapy is useful in - Psoriasis 

10. Skin condition treated with PUVA therapy is - psoriasis 

11. Munro’s micro abscess are seen in -

12. Auspitz sign is seen in - plaque type psoriasis 

13. Recurrent painful oro genital ulcers with arthritis is due to - Reiter’s syndrome 

14. Commonest cutaneous eruption in SLE is - Erythema of light exposed area 

15. Pitting of nails can be seen in - Alopecia areata 

16. Young female c/o of genital wart the agent implicated is - Human papilloma virus. 

17. Tines versicolor is caused by - Malesia Furfur 

18. Helitrope rash is seen on face in - Dermatomyositis 

19. Lesions of pityriasis rosea are distributed mostly on - Trunk 

20. PUVA therapy is used for - psoriasis/vitiligo/Atopic dermatitis 

21. 5yrs/m with hypopigmented scaly macule on cheek some of his classmates also has it probable diagnosis -
Pityriasis Alba 

22. Nail changes in psoriasis - Oncholysis/pitting/subungual hyperkeratosis 

23. Burrow is scabies in the - Stratum corneum 

24. Itch is disease is true for - Atopic dermatitis 

25. Drug producing erythema nodosum is - Sulphonamides 

26. Tzank cell is a - Keratinocyte 

27. Acantholytic bullae are found in - Burns 

28. Bulla spread sign is seen in - Pemphigus vulgaris 

29. DOC for dermatitis herpetiform - Dapsone 

30. DOC in Gonorrhoea is - Procaine penicillin 

31. DOC for pustular psoriasis -

32. DOC for pustular psoriasis in pregnant lady is - Prednisolone 

33. DOC for Herpes Zoster - Acyclovir 

34. DOC for Granuloma venerium - Erythromycin 

35. DOC for Tinea Unguam - Griseofulvin 

36. DOC for systemic candidiasis - Amphotericin B

37. Koebners phenomenon is seen in - Lichen planus 

38. Most common type of scarring alopecia is - Androgenic 

39. Patch test is done to document - Delayed type hypersensitivity 

40. Mucosal lesion is common in - Lichen planus 

41. Degeneration of Basal cells occurs in -
Lichen planus 

42. Sebaceous cyst seen in - Gardeners syndrome 

43. Acne vulgaris is due to involvement of - Pilosebaceous glands 

44. Apocrine gland - modified sweat gland, present in groin & axilla, 

45. Rhinophyma (potato nose) is- Glandular form of acne rosacea/sebaceous gland hypertrophy 

46. Anagen phase of the hair indicates - phase of activity & growth 

47. Female with diffuse alopecia suffered typhoid 4 months back diagnosis -Telogen effluvium 

48. Correct sequence of cell cycle is - G0-G1-S-G2-M 

49. Neither raised nor depressed is - Macule 

50. Flat discoloration on skin as 1cm is called - Macule 

51. Oil drop is seen in - psoriasis of nails 

52. Felon is seen in - Nail bed 

53. Tinea ungum affects - nail plate 

54. Characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis - Pruritis 

55. Fir tree type distribution is seen in - pityriasis rosea 

56. Air-borne contact dermatitis is diagnosed by - patch test 

57. Alopecia areata is treated by - Minoxidil

58. School of fish appearance is shown by - Haemophilus ducreyi 

59. Cicatricial alopecia-DLE/Lichen planus/SLE 

60. Non cicatricial alopecia - Psoriasis/Alopecia areata 

61. Rain drop pigmentation is seen in - chronic Arsenic poisoning 

62. Patch test is done for - Allergic contact dermatitis 

63. Coin shaped eczema - Nummular Eczema 

64. Commonest metal causing skin hypersensitivity - Nickel 

65. MCC of allergic contact dermatitis in Indian female - Detergents 

66. Annular herald patch is seen in - P.Rosea 

67. Nummular ring is caused due to - Idiopathic 

68. Darrier’s sign is seen in - urticaria pigmentosa 

69. Pt with recurrent swelling on face & lips due to emotional stress cause is - CI esterase inhibitor deficiency 

70. Quincke’s disease is popularly known as - Angioneurotic edema 

71. Bleeding spots seen on removal of scales in psoriasis is called as - Auspitz sign 

72. Ash leaf maculae is found in - Tuberous sclerosis 

73. The important feature of psoriasis is - Scaling 

74. Patch test is a type of - Delayed type hypersensitivity 

75. Patch test is read after - 2 days 

76. Morbilliform eruptions seen in - Rubella/Measles 

77. Koebner phenomenon is present in - Psoriasis/Lichen planus/Warts 

78. Which is pruritic - Lichen planus/sunburns/Pemphigoid/psoriasis 

79. Characteristic feature of lichen planus is - Wickham striae 

80. Lichen planus TOC - Systemic steroids 

81. Psoralen-A is used in treatment of - Vitiligo 

82. Row of Tomb stones appearance is seen in - Pemphigus 

83. Commonest variety of Pemphigus - Pemphigus Vulgaris 

84. Associated with Pemphigus - Thymoma/CLL/Myasthenia gravis/Atrophic gastritis 

85. Blister formation in burn case is in - Subepidermal

86. Intera cellular IgG deposition in epidermis s seen n - Pemphigus 

87. Increased level of IgE is seen in - Atopy 

88. Granular IgA deposits at dermal papilla found in - Dermatitis herpetiformis 

89. HLA associated with dermatitis herpetiform - HLA B27 

90. Pyoderma gangrenosum is seen in - Ulcerative colitis 

91. Erythema nodosum is seen in- RA/PTB/Enteric fever/Leprosy 

92. What can pt. with gluten sensitive hypersensitivity consume as food -Rice, corn 

93. Target or Iris lesion is seen in - Erythema multiforme 

94. Causative organism of Molluscum contagiosum - Pox virus 

95. Ballooning is characteristic of - Herpes Zoster

96. Acantholysis is characteristic of - Pemphigus vulgaris 

97. Porphyria cutanea tarda can be treated by - Phlebotomy 

98. Non palpable purpura is seen in - Amyloid/ITP/Drug induced vasculitis 

99. Treatment for kawasaki’s disease - IVIg 

100. Lish nodule is seen in - von Recklinghausen disease 

101. IgA deposits on skin biopsy - Henoch Schoenlein purpura 

102. Triad of Reiters syndrome include - Conjunctivitis/Urethritis/Arthritis 

103. Defective DNA repair is associated - Xeroderma pigmentosa 

104. Pseudo bubo is seen in - Donovanosis 

105. Satellite lesions are seen in - Borderline tuberculoid leprosy 

106. Dermatitis & Alopecia are due to deficiency of - Zinc 

107. Crocodile skin is seen in - Ichthyosis vulgaris 

108. Casal’s necklace is caused by - pellagra 

109. Rash in Measles occurs first in - Post auricular region 

110. Erythema marginatum is seen in - Rheumatic fever 

111. Commonest nerve involved in Leprosy is - Ulnar 

112. Lupus vulgaris - Skin & Mucosa TB/Apple jelly nodules at root of nose 

113. Acrodermatitis enteropathica - decreased Zinc level/autosomal recessive 

114. Rose spot are seen in - Typhoid fever 

115. Slapped cheek appearance is seen in - Erythema infectiosum 

116. Phrynoderma - deficiency of - vitamin A 

117. Virchows cells are seen in - Leprosy 

118. Lepromin test is used for - prognosis

119. Features of Lepromatous leprosy - Saddle nose/Gynecomastia/Mydriasis 

120. Commonest fungal infection in female genitalia in diabetes is - Candida 

121. Permethrin is used in treatment of - Scabies 

122. Leprosy do not involve - CNS 

123. Leprosy affects all organs except - Uterus 

124. In leprosy nerves commonly involved are - High ulnar,low median 

125. Skin hazards of swimming are - Verrucae/M.marinum infection

 126. Most common type of leprosy in India - TT 

127. Commonest skin infection in children is - Impetigo contagiousa 

128. Characteristic lesions of scabies is - Burrow 

129. Honey color crusts are characteristics of - Impetigo 

130. Most common organism causing Tinea capitis - Microsporum 

131. Athelet’s foot - 4th toe web is involved/hyperthyroidism (+)/caused by Trichophyton 

132. Tinea incognito is seen with - Steroid treatment 

133. Treatment of Acne - 13 cis-retionol/Minocycline/Erythromycin 

134. Multi drug therapy is given for - Leprosy 

135. Tinea versicolor is caused by - Malassezia Furfur 

136. Griseofulvin is useful in - T.capitis, T.cruris, T.Pedis 

137. Safety pin appearance is shown by - Donovanosis granulomatis 

138. Black dot ring worm is caused by - Trichophyton 

139. Range of light which causes max damage to skin - 290-360nm 

140. Griseofulvin is not used in - T.Versicolor & Candida 

141. Dhobi’s Itch is - T.Cruris 

142. Incubation period of scabies - 4 wks 

143. Circlre of Hebra is associated with - Scabies 

144. Vagabond’s disease is - Pediculosis corporis 

145. Impetigo contagiosa most commonly due to - Staphylococcus 

146. Condylomata acuminata is caused by - HPV 

147. LGV is caused by - Chlamydia trachomatous 

148. Genital elephantiasis is caused by - Lymphogranuloma venerum 

149. Sign of groove is found in – LGV 

150. Malphigian layer – Spinosum and basale

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imp. ENT One-liners for FMGE

important One-Liners  for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- ENT

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1. Best test for testing vestibular function - Caloric test 

2. To detect threshold of hearing - Audiometry 

3. In tuberculosis - central perforation is seen 

4. In CSOM - Marginal perforation 

5. In Atrophic rhinitis obstruction is caused by – Crusting

 6. The only Abductor of vocal cords - posterior crico arytenoid 

7. MC Antro choanal polyp in children - Maxillary sinus 

8. Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies - Stylopharangeus muscle 

9. Vertigo is defined as - Subjective sense of imbalance 

10. Sinuses open in middle meatus - Frontal/Anterior/Maxillary sinus 


12. MCC of unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge in child is - Foreign body in nose 

13. Clear watery discharge with history of trauma - CSF rhinorhea 

14. MC form of facial nerve palsy - Bells palsy 

15. TOC for cholesteatoma - modified radical mastoidectomy 

16. Potts puffy tumour of the nose is seen in - chronic frontal sinusitis 

17. MC type of temporal bone fracture is - longitudinal 

18. MCC of epistaxis in adult female - Nose picking 

19. First & most common symptom of otomycosis - Pruritis 

20. Carhart’s notch is seen in otosclerosis at - 2000Hz 

21. Treatment of ethmoid polyposis - Topical steroids 

22. MC complication of unsafe CSOM - Meningitis

23. Most vestibulo toxic drug is - Streptomycin 

24. MC site of # mandible is - subcondylar region 

25. MC site for laryngeal cysts - True vocal cord 

26. Most common ossicle damaged in ear disease is - Incus 

27. Noise induced hearing loss is seen at - 4000Hz 

28. MC nerve injured in Thyroid surgeries - superior laryngeal nerve 

29. Perichondritis of pinna - cauliflower ear, singapore ear, caused by - Pseudomonas 

30. Type of maxillary Ca associated with soft wood workers - Squamous cell Ca 

31. MC bone to undergo # in neck injuries -
Hyoid bone 

32. MC nerve injured in maxillary bone # is - Infraorbital nerve 

33. MC site of foreign body esophagus - just below cricopharyngeus 

34. Most predominant organism causing CSOM - Proteus 

35. Earliest symptom of Ca larynx – Hoarseness 

36. Epithelial lining of True vocal cords - Stratified squamous epithelium 

37. Immunoglobulins seen in nasal secretions - Ig A 

38. Ototoxic drugs are - kanamycin/streptomycin/gentamycin/vincristine 

39. Life threatening complication is seen in - B/l complete choanal atresia 

40. Hard elongated swelling in tonsilar fossa post tonsillectomy-elongated styloid process 

41. Lump in throat not interfering with swallowing -
globus hystericus 

42. Colour of tympanic membrane in otosclerosis is - pearly white 

43. Cauliflower ear is due to - hematoma of the auricle 

44. Cricothyroid is supplied by the - superior laryngeal nerve 

45. TOC for otosclerosis - stapedectomy 

46. Main blood supply of the tonsils is - facial artery 

47. Acoustic neuroma commonly affects - 8th cranial nerve 

48. Maxillary sinus has a communication with - middle meatus

49. Tonsils develop embryologicaly from - second pharyngeal pouch 

50. Paramount function of the larynx is - protection of lower respiratory tract 

51. Otomycosis is commonly caused by -

52. Commonest site of epistaxis is - Little’s area 

53. Otosclerosis mostly affects - stapes 

54. Commonest cause of laryngeal stenosis - high tracheostomy 

55. Dysphagia for fluids but not for solids is seen in - achalasia cardia 

56. Rat tail appearance of barium swallow is suggestive of - esophageal Ca 

57. Secondary hemorhage after tonsilectomy commonly occurs after - 6days 

58. Polyp which has mulberry appearance & bleeding on touch is due to -rhinosporiodisis 

59. Antrochoanal polyps originate in - maxillary sinus 

60. Ramsay hunt syndrome is characterized by - herpes zoster of geniculate ganglion 

61. Treatment of multiple papilloma of the larynx is -
excision with cautery 

62. Triad of menier’s disease - deafness,vertigo,tinnitus 

63. Commonest cause of deafness in children under 12 yrs - secretory otitis media 

64. Trotter’s triad is seen in - nasopharyngeal carcinoma 

65. Persistant CSF rhinorhea is seen in - anterior cranial fossa # 

66. Arnolds nerve is a branch of - vagus nerve 

67. Le fort’s # involves - zygoma/maxilla/nasal bones & not mandible 

68. Which collagen disease most commonly affects the oesophagus - scleroderma 

69. High tracheostomy is indicated in - Ca larynx 

70. Peritonsillar absces is - Quinsy 

71. Epistaxis in elderly pt is commonest in -

72. Myringoplasty is plastic repair of - Tympanic membrane 

73. Rhinosporidiosis is due to - Fungus 

74. Recurrent epistaxis in a 15yr/f common cause - hematopoietic disorder 

75. Laryngeal mirror is warmed before use by placing - glass surface on the flame 

76. Function of the nasal cavity is - warming, moistening, filtration 

77. Trachea begins at the level of - lower border of cricoid 

78. Rupture of ear drum may occur at the noise level above - 160db 

79. CSF rhinorrhea is due to # of - cribriform plate 

80. CSF otorrhea occurs in trauma of - petrous temporal bone 

81. Black colour patch in the mouth is seen in -
vincent’s angina 

82. Singers nodule is due to - voice abuse 

83. Rhinolith - deposition of calcium around foreign body in nose 

84. MC indication for tracheostomy is - foreign body aspiration 

85. Young’s operation is done for - atropic rhinitis 

86. Labyrinthine artery is a branch of - anterior inferior cerebellar artery 

87. Stapedius is supplied by - facial nerve 

88. Rhinne’s test -ve is seen in - CSOM 

89. Commonest organism causing Acute tonsillitis in children - streptococcus

90. Most immediate treatment in CSF rhinorhea is - prophylactic antibiotics & x-ray 

91. Bulla ethmoidalis is seen in -
middle meatus 

92. Most reliable landmark in otoscopy is - handle of malleus 

93. Tonsills reach their maximum size by - 5yrs 

94. Signet ring shape - cricoid cartilage 

95. Apple jelly nodules on the nasal septum are found in cases of - Lupus vulgaris 

96. Complications of sinus disease - cavernous sinus thrombosis 

97. Commonest complication of pediatric tracheostomy is - pneumothorax 

98. Commonest benign intramural tumour of the oesophagus - Leiomyoma 

99. Father of micro surgery of the ear is - zollener 

100. Laryngo fissure is - opening the larynx in midline 

101. Organ of corti is arranged along the inner edge of -
basilar membrane 

102. Pain of migraine head ache is due to - dilatation of cranial arteries 

103. Cody tack operation is done for - Meniere’s disease 

104. Meniere’s disease is characterized by - deafness, tinnitus, vertigo 

105. Destruction of right labyrinth causes nystagmus to - left side 

106. Common cold is caused primarily by - Viruses 

107. Nasopharyngeal Ca presents as - Mass 

108. Kiss ulcer of larynx is due to - Tuberculosis 

109. Lesion of vocal cord dangerous to life - b/l abductor paralysis 

110. Mouse-nibbled appearance of vocal cord - TB 

111. MC location of vocal nodule -
anterior 1/3 & posterior 2/3 junction 

112. MCC of vocal cord palsy - total thyroidectomy 

113. Granuloma of vocal cords is mostly due to - vocal abuse 

114. Precancerous lesions in the vocal cord is - Leukoplakia 

115. Reinke’s edema is seen in - edges of vocal cords 

116. Angiofibroma of nose is common in- young males 

117. Commonest lymph node to enlarge in acute tonsillitis is - Jugulo-digastric 

118. Fungus causing otomycosis most commonly is - aspergillus fumigatus 

119. Mastoid tip appears at the age of - 2yrs 

120. A pt hears better in noise diagnosis is - Paracusis 

121. Bony septal perforation occurs in -

122. Prolonged & repeated use of nasal decongestant leads to-Rhinitis medicamentosa 

123. Common cause of eustachian tube disease is - Adenoids 

124. Sinusitis in children is commonest in - maxillary sinus 

125. Periodic head ache is seen in - frontal sinusitis 

26. Ethmoidal sinusitis is more common in - Wood workers 

127. Commonest cause of stridor in a newborn is - Laryngomalacia 

128. Stridor in adults is most commonly caused by - malignancy 

129. IDDM pt presents with septal perforation of nose with brownish black discharge probable diagnosis is - Mucormycosis 

130. TOC for anterochoanal polyp in a 10yr child - intranasal polypectomy

131. Cone of light is formed by
- handle of malleus 

132. Facial nerve palsy due to trauma TOC is - Decompression 

133. Commonest presentation of Nasopharyngeal Ca is - Cervical adenopathy 

134. Schwartz operation is called - cortical mastoidectomy/simple mastoidectomy 

135. Schwartz sign is seen in - otosclerosis 

136. Narrowest part of middle ear - Mesotympanum 

137. Material used in tympanoplasty - temporalis fascia 

138. Inner ear is present in which bone - petrous part of temporal bone 

139. In blast injury MC organ affected - Eardrum 

140. Pulsatile otorhea is seen in - ASOM 

141. Mc evans triangle is the landmark for Mastoid antrum 

142. Commonest site of ivory osteoma - fronto-ethmoidal region 

143. Allodynia is - increased perception of painful stimulus 

144. 10yr old boy having sensory neural deafness ,not benefited by hearing aids further Rx - cochlear implant 

145. Hiatus semilunaris is present in - Middle meatus 

146. Tone decay test is done for - neural deafness 

147. MC complication of acute otitis media in children is - deafness 

148. Ground glass appearance on x-ray is seen in- septal angiofibroma 

149. Griesingers sign is seen in - lateral sinus thrombosis 

150. Prussack’s space is situated in - Epitympanum 

151. FESS -
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery 

152. Direction of water jet while doing syringing of ear should be - posterio-inferior 

153. Nasopharyngeal chondroma orgiates from – Notochord

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