important One-Liners for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- ENT
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1. Best test for testing vestibular function - Caloric test
2. To detect threshold of hearing - Audiometry
3. In tuberculosis - central perforation is seen
4. In CSOM - Marginal perforation
5. In Atrophic rhinitis obstruction is caused by – Crusting
6. The only Abductor of vocal cords - posterior crico arytenoid
7. MC Antro choanal polyp in children - Maxillary sinus
8. Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies - Stylopharangeus muscle
9. Vertigo is defined as - Subjective sense of imbalance
10. Sinuses open in middle meatus - Frontal/Anterior/Maxillary sinus
12. MCC of unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge in child is - Foreign body in nose
13. Clear watery discharge with history of trauma - CSF rhinorhea
14. MC form of facial nerve palsy - Bells palsy
15. TOC for cholesteatoma - modified radical mastoidectomy
16. Potts puffy tumour of the nose is seen in - chronic frontal sinusitis
17. MC type of temporal bone fracture is - longitudinal
18. MCC of epistaxis in adult female - Nose picking
19. First & most common symptom of otomycosis - Pruritis
20. Carhart’s notch is seen in otosclerosis at - 2000Hz
21. Treatment of ethmoid polyposis - Topical steroids
22. MC complication of unsafe CSOM - Meningitis
23. Most vestibulo toxic drug is - Streptomycin
24. MC site of # mandible is - subcondylar region
25. MC site for laryngeal cysts - True vocal cord
26. Most common ossicle damaged in ear disease is - Incus
27. Noise induced hearing loss is seen at - 4000Hz
28. MC nerve injured in Thyroid surgeries - superior laryngeal nerve
29. Perichondritis of pinna - cauliflower ear, singapore ear, caused by - Pseudomonas
30. Type of maxillary Ca associated with soft wood workers - Squamous cell Ca
31. MC bone to undergo # in neck injuries - Hyoid bone
32. MC nerve injured in maxillary bone # is - Infraorbital nerve
33. MC site of foreign body esophagus - just below cricopharyngeus
34. Most predominant organism causing CSOM - Proteus
35. Earliest symptom of Ca larynx – Hoarseness
36. Epithelial lining of True vocal cords - Stratified squamous epithelium
37. Immunoglobulins seen in nasal secretions - Ig A
38. Ototoxic drugs are - kanamycin/streptomycin/gentamycin/vincristine
39. Life threatening complication is seen in - B/l complete choanal atresia
40. Hard elongated swelling in tonsilar fossa post tonsillectomy-elongated styloid
41. Lump in throat not interfering with swallowing - globus hystericus
42. Colour of tympanic membrane in otosclerosis is - pearly white
43. Cauliflower ear is due to - hematoma of the auricle
44. Cricothyroid is supplied by the - superior laryngeal nerve
45. TOC for otosclerosis - stapedectomy
46. Main blood supply of the tonsils is - facial artery
47. Acoustic neuroma commonly affects - 8th cranial nerve
48. Maxillary sinus has a communication with - middle meatus
49. Tonsils develop embryologicaly from - second pharyngeal pouch
50. Paramount function of the larynx is - protection of lower respiratory tract
51. Otomycosis is commonly caused by - Aspergillus
52. Commonest site of epistaxis is - Little’s area
53. Otosclerosis mostly affects - stapes
54. Commonest cause of laryngeal stenosis - high tracheostomy
55. Dysphagia for fluids but not for solids is seen in - achalasia cardia
56. Rat tail appearance of barium swallow is suggestive of - esophageal Ca
57. Secondary hemorhage after tonsilectomy commonly occurs after - 6days
58. Polyp which has mulberry appearance & bleeding on touch is due to -rhinosporiodisis
59. Antrochoanal polyps originate in - maxillary sinus
60. Ramsay hunt syndrome is characterized by - herpes zoster of geniculate ganglion
61. Treatment of multiple papilloma of the larynx is - excision with cautery
62. Triad of menier’s disease - deafness,vertigo,tinnitus
63. Commonest cause of deafness in children under 12 yrs - secretory otitis media
64. Trotter’s triad is seen in - nasopharyngeal carcinoma
65. Persistant CSF rhinorhea is seen in - anterior cranial fossa #
66. Arnolds nerve is a branch of - vagus nerve
67. Le fort’s # involves - zygoma/maxilla/nasal bones & not mandible
68. Which collagen disease most commonly affects the oesophagus - scleroderma
69. High tracheostomy is indicated in - Ca larynx
70. Peritonsillar absces is - Quinsy
71. Epistaxis in elderly pt is commonest in - Hypertension
72. Myringoplasty is plastic repair of - Tympanic membrane
73. Rhinosporidiosis is due to - Fungus
74. Recurrent epistaxis in a 15yr/f common cause - hematopoietic disorder
75. Laryngeal mirror is warmed before use by placing - glass surface on the flame
76. Function of the nasal cavity is - warming, moistening, filtration
77. Trachea begins at the level of - lower border of cricoid
78. Rupture of ear drum may occur at the noise level above - 160db
79. CSF rhinorrhea is due to # of - cribriform plate
80. CSF otorrhea occurs in trauma of - petrous temporal bone
81. Black colour patch in the mouth is seen in - vincent’s angina
82. Singers nodule is due to - voice abuse
83. Rhinolith - deposition of calcium around foreign body in nose
84. MC indication for tracheostomy is - foreign body aspiration
85. Young’s operation is done for - atropic rhinitis
86. Labyrinthine artery is a branch of - anterior inferior cerebellar artery
87. Stapedius is supplied by - facial nerve
88. Rhinne’s test -ve is seen in - CSOM
89. Commonest organism causing Acute tonsillitis in children - streptococcus
90. Most immediate treatment in CSF rhinorhea is - prophylactic antibiotics & x-ray
91. Bulla ethmoidalis is seen in - middle meatus
92. Most reliable landmark in otoscopy is - handle of malleus
93. Tonsills reach their maximum size by - 5yrs
94. Signet ring shape - cricoid cartilage
95. Apple jelly nodules on the nasal septum are found in cases of - Lupus vulgaris
96. Complications of sinus disease - cavernous sinus thrombosis
97. Commonest complication of pediatric tracheostomy is - pneumothorax
98. Commonest benign intramural tumour of the oesophagus - Leiomyoma
99. Father of micro surgery of the ear is - zollener
100. Laryngo fissure is - opening the larynx in midline
101. Organ of corti is arranged along the inner edge of - basilar membrane
102. Pain of migraine head ache is due to - dilatation of cranial arteries
103. Cody tack operation is done for - Meniere’s disease
104. Meniere’s disease is characterized by - deafness, tinnitus, vertigo
105. Destruction of right labyrinth causes nystagmus to - left side
106. Common cold is caused primarily by - Viruses
107. Nasopharyngeal Ca presents as - Mass
108. Kiss ulcer of larynx is due to - Tuberculosis
109. Lesion of vocal cord dangerous to life - b/l abductor paralysis
110. Mouse-nibbled appearance of vocal cord - TB
111. MC location of vocal nodule - anterior 1/3 & posterior 2/3 junction
112. MCC of vocal cord palsy - total thyroidectomy
113. Granuloma of vocal cords is mostly due to - vocal abuse
114. Precancerous lesions in the vocal cord is - Leukoplakia
115. Reinke’s edema is seen in - edges of vocal cords
116. Angiofibroma of nose is common in- young males
117. Commonest lymph node to enlarge in acute tonsillitis is - Jugulo-digastric
118. Fungus causing otomycosis most commonly is - aspergillus fumigatus
119. Mastoid tip appears at the age of - 2yrs
120. A pt hears better in noise diagnosis is - Paracusis
121. Bony septal perforation occurs in - syphillis
122. Prolonged & repeated use of nasal decongestant leads to-Rhinitis medicamentosa
123. Common cause of eustachian tube disease is - Adenoids
124. Sinusitis in children is commonest in - maxillary sinus
125. Periodic head ache is seen in - frontal sinusitis
26. Ethmoidal sinusitis is more common in - Wood workers
127. Commonest cause of stridor in a newborn is - Laryngomalacia
128. Stridor in adults is most commonly caused by - malignancy
129. IDDM pt presents with septal perforation of nose with brownish black discharge probable diagnosis is - Mucormycosis
130. TOC for anterochoanal polyp in a 10yr child - intranasal polypectomy
131. Cone of light is formed by - handle of malleus
132. Facial nerve palsy due to trauma TOC is - Decompression
133. Commonest presentation of Nasopharyngeal Ca is - Cervical adenopathy
134. Schwartz operation is called - cortical mastoidectomy/simple mastoidectomy
135. Schwartz sign is seen in - otosclerosis
136. Narrowest part of middle ear - Mesotympanum
137. Material used in tympanoplasty - temporalis fascia
138. Inner ear is present in which bone - petrous part of temporal bone
139. In blast injury MC organ affected - Eardrum
140. Pulsatile otorhea is seen in - ASOM
141. Mc evans triangle is the landmark for Mastoid antrum
142. Commonest site of ivory osteoma - fronto-ethmoidal region
143. Allodynia is - increased perception of painful stimulus
144. 10yr old boy having sensory neural deafness ,not benefited by hearing aids further Rx - cochlear implant
145. Hiatus semilunaris is present in - Middle meatus
146. Tone decay test is done for - neural deafness
147. MC complication of acute otitis media in children is - deafness
148. Ground glass appearance on x-ray is seen in- septal angiofibroma
149. Griesingers sign is seen in - lateral sinus thrombosis
150. Prussack’s space is situated in - Epitympanum
151. FESS - Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
152. Direction of water jet while doing syringing of ear should be - posterio-inferior
153. Nasopharyngeal chondroma orgiates from – Notochord
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