important One-Liners for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Radiology
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1. Maximum permissible radiation exposure per person per year - 5rem
2. Air crescent sign on chest radiograph - Aspergilloma
3. Hair on end/crew cut/hair brush appearance is seen in - Thalassemia
4. Crescent sign on IV urogram/pyelogram - Hydronephrosis
5. Double barrel sign on USG is seen in - Obstructive Jaundice
6. Golden-S is characteristic of - Bronchogenic Ca
7. Snow storm appearance on obstetrical USG - Hydatiform mole
8. Cobble stoning of colon is seen in - Crohn’s disease
9. Kerley-B lines in CXR is diagnostic of - Heart failure
10. Egg on side appearance is seen in - Uncorrected TGA
11. Egg shell calcification in hilar nodes suggest - Silicosis
12. Water lily sign is seen in - Hydatid disease
13. Thimbled Bladder & Golf hole ureters is seen in - Renal TB
14. Notching of Ribs is seen in - Coarctation of Aorta
15. Looser’s zone/pseudo # /Milk man’s # are seen in - Osteomalacia
16. Tram-track appearance in skull radiograph is seen in - Sturge-weber syndrome
17. Cotton wool appearance in skull radiograph is seen in - Paget’s disease of bone
18. Box-shaped heart is found in - Ebstein’s Anamoly
19. Money bag/leather bottle/flask shaped heart is seen in- Pericardial effusion
20. Pericardial effusion is best diagnosed by - Echocardiography
21. Coiled spring appearance is seen in - Intussusception
22. Spoke-wheel pattern/Sun-burst appearance of calcification in bone -
23. Mercedes Benz sign - Air in Gall stones
24. Wimberger sign is found in - Rickets
25. Double duct sign on USG - Pancreatic Ca
26. Central Dot sign on CT scan is seen is - Caroli’s disease
27. Champagne glass pelvis is seen in - Achondroplasia
28. Chain of lakes appearance on ERCP - chronic pancreatitis
29. Sentinel loops on x-ray are seen in - Acute pancreatitis
30. Popcorn calcification is seen in - Pulmonary hamartoma
31. Gold standard test for pulmonary embolism - Pulmonary Angiography
32. IOC for pulmonary embolism - Contrast CT
33. IOC for most Gall bladder pathologies - USG
34. IOC in Traumatic paraplegia is - MRI
35. IOC in Aortic dissection is - MRI
36. IOC for Bronchiectasis - High resolution CT/Bronchography.
37. Initial investigation for Amoebic liver abscess is -USG
38. Frankel’s line on radiology of long bones is seen in - Scurvy
39. Best route for cerebral Angiography - Trans femoral route
40. Filament in x-ray machine is composed of - Tungsten
41. Roentgen is the unit of - Radiation exposure
42. Most radio sensitive ovarian tumor - Dysgerminoma
43. Most radio sensitive tissue is - Bone marrow/Gonads
44. Most radiosensitive cells are - lymphocytes
45. Most sensitive structure in cell for radiotherapy - DNA
46. Most chemosensitive tumour - Choriocarcinoma
47. Most common malignant bone tumor post irradiation is - Osteosarcoma
48. Radiation exposure does not occur in – MRI
49. Non-ionic water soluble contrast agent – Iohoexol
50. Stochastic effect of radiation – Genetic mutation
51. Pre operative investigation for Down’ syndrome - Echocardiography
52. First sign of hydrocephalus in children is- Sutural diastasis
53. Bone scan in multiple myeloma shows - Cold spot
54. Cobra head deformity is characteristic feature of - ureterocoele
55. Minimal ascites can be best detected by-usg
56. IOC for an ectopic pregnancy is - Transvaginal USG
57. Most radio sensitive testicular tumor - Seminoma
58. Absolute C/I of MRI is - Pacemaker/Aneurysmal clip
59. Gaseless abdomen seen in – Acute pancreatitis
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