Thursday, May 28, 2020

imp. Psychiatry One-liners for FMGE

important One-Liners  for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Psychiatry

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1. Acrophobia Height of Fear 

2. Nyctophobia Fear of Darkness 

3. Zoophobia Fear of Animals 

4. Xenophobia Fear of Strangers 

5. Algophobia Fear of Pain 

6. Claustrophobia Fear of closed places 

7. Trypanophobia Fear of Medical Procedure 

8. Arachnophobia Fear of spiders 

9. Necrophobia Fear of Death 

10. Aquaphobia Fear of Water 

11. Iatrophobia
Fear of Doctors 

12. Pharmacophobia Fear of Taking medicines 

13. Thanatophobia Fear of Death 

14. Acrophobia Fear of Height

15. Five psycho sexual stages of developement - (Sigmond Fraud) 

16. Most severe Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - Delirium tremens 

17. Most common symptom of Alcohol withdrawal - Tremor

18. Drug dependance is a term - Includes both drug addiction & habituation 

19. Most common psychiatric emergency - Suicide 

20. Suicidal tendencies are most commonly seen in - Involutional melancholia 

21. Dementia is a feature of -
Pellagra /vitB12 deficiency 

22. Drugs most useful in treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder - Fluoxetine 

23. Pt. With depressive psychosis - feel better in evening than morning 

24. Thyrotoxicosis is most commonly associated with - Anxiety 

25. Most common post operative psychiatric condition - Delirium 

26. Side effects of prolonged phenytoin therapy - Osteomalacia/Gumhyperplasia/ Megaloblastic anemia 

27. Definite contraindication to ECT - Brain tumor 

28. Features of morphine withdrawal - piloerection/insomnia/discharge from nose

 29. DOC for prophylaxis of mania is - Lithium 

30. DOC Gen.Anxiety disorder - Benzodiazepines 

31. DOC for Panic disorder -

32. DOC for attention defecit disorder in children/Adult - Methylphenidate/ Atomoxetine 

33. DOC for OCD - Fluoxetine 

34. Absolute contraindication lithium therapy - Renal failure

35. DOC in MDP (manic depressive psychosis) - Lithium 

36. Long term use of lithium result in -Hypothyroidism 

37. MC side effect of lithium therapy-Tremor 

38. MC cardiovascular side effect in lithium therapy - T inversion 

39. Defense mechanism in phobia is - Displacement 

40. Treatment for acute manic episode - sodium valproate 

41. Anorexia nervosa is characterised by
-amenorrhea/ weightloss /hypothermia 

42. Excessive eating followed by purging using laxative in 20yr/F-Bulimia nervosa 

43. Cognitive model of depression is given by - Beck 

44. Korsackoff’s psychosis - lesion in - mammiliary bodies 

45. Tactile hallucination seen in - cocaine 

46. Hallucination occurs at start of sleep - hypnagogic hallucination 

47. Visual hallucination seen in - Alcoholism 

48. Visual hallucination without Auditory hallucination is seen in - organic brain damage. 

49. Most common Hallucinations seen in functional psychosis - Auditory 

50. Cognition is thought 

51. Delusion is disorder of thought 

52. Allodynia is - feeling pain to a normal non painful stimulus 

53. Alexithymia is - Inability to recognise & describe feelings 

54. Oniomania is a disorder of compulsive - buying 

55. Dipsomania is - Compulsive drinking 

56. Impulse for setting fire is known as - Pyromania 

57. Confabulation is defect of memory 

58. Confabulation means making stories to fill gaps in memory loss 

59. Many of our bad habits of day to day life can be removed by - Negative conditioning 

60. Loosening of association is an example of - Formal thought disorder 

61. Deja vu is seen in -
Temporal lobe epilepsy/Normal person/Psychosis 

62. Apraxia is a disorder in - Initiating & planning movement 

63. Protein involved in Alzheimer disease - Apo E Gene 

64. Features of Alzheimer disease - recent memory loss 

65. Reinforcement is used in - conditioned learning

66. Difference between neurosis & psychosis -  Insight 

67. Delirium & schizophrenia differ from each other by - complete consciousness 

68. 1 week before incidence recall is called as - Recent memory 

69. One of the important defense mechanism is - Repression 

70. Treatment is not required in withdrawal of -

71. Wernicke’s encephalopathy can be prevented by - Thiamine supplements 

72. Karsakoff’s psychosis is diagnosed by - impairment of long term memory. 

73. Feeling of creeping insects is seen in - cocaine abuse 

74. Naltrexone is used in opioid dependance to - prevent relapse 

75. Drug used in long term maintanence in opioid addiction - Methadone 

76. Yawning is a common feature of - Opioid withdrawal 

77. Morbid jealousy is seen with – cannabis 

78. physical dependance is not seen with - cannabis 

79. Most common substance abuse in India is - Tobacco 

80. Flash Back seen with -

81. Delusion of Doubles is found in - Capgras syndrome 

82. TOC in depression with suicidal tendencies - Electroconvulsive therapy 

83. Nero transmitter that is associated with suicidal tendencies - serotonin 

84. Suicidal tendency is seen in - schizophrenia/Depression 

85. Pseudo dementia is seen in - Depression 

86. Nihilistic ideas seen in - Depression/Cotard’s syndrome

87. Nihilistic delusions seen in - Endogenous depression/Double depression 

88. Characters of catatonic schizophrenia - negativism/cataplexy/automatic obedience 

89. Poor prognostic factor in schizophrenia is - gradual onset/Hebephrenic Schizophrenia 

90. Echolalia is recognized feature of - childhood Autism/catatonic schizophrenia 

91. Suicidal tendencies seen in -
depression/schizophrenia/substance abuse 

92. Lack of insight is not a feature of - panic disorder 

93. Definitive treatment of all types of phobias - Behaviour therapy 

94. Obsessive compulsive neurosis patient is likely to develop - Depression 

95. Patient with symptoms mimic heart disease with normal ECG & x-ray - panic attack 

96. A person has different multiple personality is suffering from - Dissociative disorder 

97. Indication for ECT - Depression with suicidal tendencies/catatonic schizophrenia 

98. Amnesia is found in - Head injury 

99. Squeeze technique is used for - premature ejaculation 

100. Most accurate treatment of Erectile dysfunction - Sildenefil 

101. Alpha rhythm is seen in -
REM sleep 

102. Non-REM sleep is commonly associated with - Night terrors 

103. Characteristic features of Schizoid personality is - Emotional coldness 

104. Antisocial personality is seen with - Drug abuse 

105. 9 yr old child disturbs other people, is destructive, interferes when two people are talking, does not follow instructions and cannot wait for his turn while playing game, He is likely to be suffering with - Attention defecit hyperactivity disorder 

106. Autism is - Social & language communication problem

 107. X-linked disease leading to mental retardation - Fragile-x-syndrome 

108. Not common feature of Anorexia nervosa - Binge eating 

109. Beta blockers are indicated in - Anxiety 

110. MC Complication of ECT - Retrograde Amnesia 

111. Absolute contra indication to ECT - Brain tumor 

112. MC hallucination type in Delirium - -Visual

113. Sexual arousal due to exposure of one’s genitalia – Exhibitionism 

114. Oneroid state is – Dream like state 

115. Mc dementia in down syndrome – Alzheimer dementia 

116. MC presenting symptoms in depression – Body aches 

117. MC symptom a/w adult ocd – Pathological doubt 

118. Minimal brain dysfunction – ADHD 

119. MC psychiatric disorder after stroke – Depression 

120. Tic douloureux characterized by –

121. Cataplexy characterized by – decrease muscle tone 

122. Mc type of delusion – delusion of persecution 

123. Masturbation is also known as – Onaism 

124. Characteristic of histrionic personality disorder- Attention seeking behavior 

125. DHAT syndrome – Passage of urine in semen 

126. Scatologia is – paraphilla 

127. Magical thinking seen in – Schizotypal 

128. Decrease sexual desire in female – frigidity 

129. Amotivation syndrome is caused by – Cannabis 

130. CAT test is used in – Delirium 

131. Intense depression ad misery without any cause is - Melancholia

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