important Questions for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Anaesthesia
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1. The gas which produces systemic toxicity
without causing local irritation is:
Carbon monoxide "
2. In a patient with fixed respiratory obstruction helium is used along with oxygen instead of plain oxygen because:
It decreases turbulence "
3. Upper respiratory tract infection
is a common problem in children
All the following anesthetic complications can occur in children with
respiratory infections, except:
Halothane granuloma "
4. An anaesthetist orders a new attendent to
bring the oxygen cylinder. He will ask the
attendent to identify the correct cylinder by
following color code:
Black cylinder with white shoulder."
5. During rapid sequence induction of Anaesthesia :
Pre-oxygenation is mandatory "
6. A 5 year old boy suffering from Duchenne
muscular dystrophy has toundergo tendon
lengthening procedure. The most appropri-ate anaesthetic would be:
Induction with intravenous propofol and N2O & oxygen for maintenance. "
7. A 25 year old male is undergoing incision
and drainage of abscess under general Anaesthesia with spontaneous respiration.
The most efficient anaesthetic circuit is:
Mapleson A "
8. In all the following conditions neuraxial blockade is absolutely contraindicated, except:
... Answer is D)
Pre-existing neurological deficits. "
9. Interscalene approach to brachial plexus
block does not provide surgical Anaesthesia in the area of distribution of which of the
following nerve:
Ulnar "
10.At the end of a balanced Anaesthesia technique with non-depolarizing muscle relaxant, a patient recovered spontaneously
from the effect of muscle relaxant without
any reversal. Which is the most probable relaxant the patient had received?
Atracuronium "
11.A 64 year old hypertensive obese female
was undergoing Surgery for FRACTURE femur under general Anaesthesia . Intra-operatively her end tidal carbon dioxide decreased to 20 from 40 mm Hg, followed by
hypotension and oxygen saturation of 85%.
What would be the most probable cause:
Fat embolism
12.One unit of fresh blood raises the Hb% concentration by:
1 gm%"
13.A 50 kg. man with severe metabolic acidosis has the following parameters: pH 7.05,
pCO2 12 mmHg, pO2 108 mmHg, HCO3 5
mEq/L, base excess -30 mEq/L. The approximate quantity of sodium bicarbonate that
he should receive in half hour is:
250 mEq. "
14.The induction agent of choice in day care
Anaesthesia is:
Propofol. "
15.A 38 year old man is posted for extraction of
last molar tooth under general Anaesthesia
Davinci Medical Academy
as a day care case. He wishes to resume his
work after 6 hours. Which one of the following induction agents is preferred:
Propofol. "
Next 15 Questions will be posted tmrw Stay tuned
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