important One-Liners for FMGE Prepration
Subject :- Anaesthesia
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1. MC Thermal disturbance in Anaesthesia - Hypothermia
2. Inhalational anesthetic with highest nephrotoxicity - Methoxyflurane
3. Most definitive method to maintain airway - ET Tube
4. Best way to maintain airway in cervical cord injury - Tracheostomy
5. MC post-operative complication of intubation - Sore throat
6. Inhalational anesthetics are made non inflammable by - addition of fluorine
7. Inhalational agent causing hyperglycemia - Chloroform
8. Inhalational agent for cardiac pt- Isoflurane
9. Severe hypotension is caused by - Halothane
10. Hyperglycemia is caused by - Ether
11. Laughing Gas - Nitrous oxide
12. Only complete anesthetic agent - Ether
13. Pin index of oxygen is - 2,5
14. Needle used for spinal anaesthesia - Tuohy’s needle
15. Agent of choice for cerebral protection - Thiopentone
16. IV agent of choice for day care surgery - Propofol
17. Inhalational agent of choice in shock pts - Cyclopropane
18. MC risk factor for spinal epidural abscess - DM
19. IV agent causing max Nausea & vomiting - Etomidate
20. Agent of choice for pre-operative sedation - Midazolam
21. DOC for shivering - Pethidine
22. MC used anesthetic technique - Spinal anesthesia
23. MC source of ICU infections - Urinary catheterization
24. Last sensation lost during stages of anesthesia - Hearing
25. Anesthetic agent with anti-emetic property also - Propofol
26. Fastest Induction of Anesthesia is caused by - Cyclopropane
27. Used in Epidural anesthesia - 2% lignocaine
28. Epidural is preferred over spinal because - prolonged duration of effect.
29. Spinal epidural abscess is most commonly caused by - Staphylococcus
30. Local anesthetics act by inhibition of - Na+ channels
31. 1st priority in management of trauma patient is - Airway maintanance
32. Mechanism of action of local anesthetic is - Stabilization of membrane
33. Bupivacaine is used for spinal anesthesia in concentration of -0.5%
34. Percentage of xylocaine used in spinal anesthesia - 5%
35. Most harmful anesthetic for T2DM patient - Ether
36. Shortest acting local anesthesia -Chlorprocaine
37. Epidural space is between - Spinal dura & vertebral column
38. Pure antagonist of Morphine is -Naloxone
39. Fastest route of absorption of local anesthetic is - Epidural
40. Early & reliable indication of Air embolism during anesthesia can be obtained by
continuous monitoring of - End Tidal co2
41. Sellick’s maneuver is used to prevent - Aspiration of gastric content
42. Nasal intubation is contraindicated in - CSF Rhinorrhea
43. Mendelson’s syndrome - Aspiration of gastric contents
44. Pulse oximetry detects inaccurately in presence of- Nailpolish, methemoglobinemia, skin pigmentation
45. Touching a metal spoon that is sitting in a pot of boiling water - Conduction
46. Mallampatti grading is for - Inspection of oral cavity before intubation
47. Mallampatti criteria used for assesment of - Difficulty in Intubation
48. Anesthetic agent associated with Delirium & hallucination - Ketamine
49. Intra occular pressure will be increased by -Ketamine
50. Iv agent with best Analgesic agent - Ketamine
51. IV agent of choice for shock pts - Ketamine
52. IV agent of choice for pts in full stomach - Ketamine
53. IV agent of choice for Asthmatics - Ketamine
54. Dissociative anesthesia is produced by-ketamine
55. Anesthetic agent used in ICU is - Ketamine
56. Raised ICT is caused by -Ketamine
57. Dose of ketamine - 2mg/kg/iv
58. Muscle pain after anesthesia is caused by - Suxamethonium
59. Muscle relaxant increasing intra cranial pressure - Suxamethonium
60. Muscle soreness post anesthetic is caused by - Suxamethonium
61. Post-operative muscle ache is caused by - Suxamethonium
62. Shortest acting muscle relaxant - Succinyl choline
63. Bradycardia is common after injection of - Succinyl choline/propofol/atracurium
64. Neuromuscular blocking agent with shortest onset of action - Succinylcholine
65. Malignant hyperthermia is most commonly precipated by - Succinylcholine
66. Hoffman’s elimination is for - Atracurium
67. Shortest acting IV analgesic - Remifantanil
68. Muscle rigidity is caused by - Fentanyl
69. Method of choice for induction in children is by - Inhalation
70. For high pressure storage of compressed gases, cylinders are made up of - Molybdenum
71. Anesthetic agent safe to use in increased intracranial pressure - Thiopentone
72. In a patient with multiple injuries, first thing to be done is - Patency of Airway
73. In Spinal anesthesia which fiber is lost first - Sympathetic.
74. Drug with ceiling effect - Buprenorphine
75. Least soluble anesthetic agent is - Desflurane
76. Inhalational agent of choice in children - Sevoflurane
77. Post spinal, Head ache is due to - CSF leak
78. Bone marrow depression is seen with - Nitrous oxide.
79. Halothane causes - Bronchodilation & Hepatitis
80. In high spinal anesthesia - Hypotension & Bradycardia
81. Spinal anesthesia should be injected into the space between - L3-L4
82. Best way to prevent hypotension during spinal anasthesia - Preloading with crystalloids
83. Hepato toxic agent - Halothane
84. Structures pierce in LP - Lig.Flavum, Duramater, Supraspinous ligament
85. Physiological dead space is decreased by - Neck flexion
86. Colour of oxygen cylinder - Black & White
87. Anesthesia of choice for manual removal of placenta - GA
88. AOC for alcoholic liver failure - Isoflurane
89. AOC in renal disease - atracurium & Cis atracurium
90. Best anesthesia in status asthmaticus - Ketamine
91. In belladona poisoning antidote is - Physostigmine
92. Atropine is used in - Mushroom poisoning/Malathion poisoning/OPC
93. Longest acting local anesthetic agent - Tetracaine
94. Pudendal nerve block involves - S2S3S4
95. Pneumothorax is a complication of - Brachial plexus block
96. DOC in status epilepticus - IV Diazepam
97. Post anesthetic emesis is least common with - Propofol
98. Cardiac stabilizing anesthetic agent - Etomidate
99. Muscle twitching & deterioration occurs in – Propofol
100.Ketamine C/I in glaucoma
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