Some of the AIIMS June 2020 Physiology questions as recalled by students
(These are recall based questions and hence the options and reconstruction of questions may slightly vary from original questions)
((Disclaimer - Subjected to Memory bias - ☺))
1. Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium is mainly by:
A. Ca2+
B. Phosphate
C. Bicarbonate
D. Protein
Ans: D
Donnan and Gibbs showed that in the presence of a
non-diffusible ion (protein), diffusible ions distributes
themselves differentially at equilibrium.
2. Calculate ECF volume from the following. 10gm
mannitol injection given in venous blood. At
equilibrium, urinary excretion 10% & plasma
concentration of mannitol is 65mg/100ml.
A. 14L
B. 10 L
C. 28 L
D. 12 L
Ans: A
This is based on formula; V= (Q-e)/c =
9000mg/0.65mg/ml = 13.8L
3. Which of the following hormone have intracellular
A. Thyroxin
B. Glucagon
C. Epinephrine
D. Parathormone
Ans: A
Thyroxin has intranuclear receptor. All others
hormones in this option have membrane receptors.
4. In negative feedback, feedback gain is infinity in
which of the following
A. Temperature control in hypothalamus
B. Blood volume control by kidney
C. Blood pressure control by baroreflex
D. No such infinite feedback gain is not possible
Ans: B
For a given intake of salt and a given functional state
of the kidneys, there is only one single arterial pressure
that will provide a balance between intake and output
of salt. Because of this the arterial pressure, in the long
run, will always attempt to return exactly to this
pressure level (error = 0).
5. In skeletal muscle DHPR & RYR receptors are
coupled by?
A. Chemically
B. Mechanically
C. Electrical followed by mechanical
D. Electrical
Ans: C
Electrical activation of T-tubules activates DHPR
channel on it, which interact mechanically with RyR
on SR membrane for release of calcium. If it’s not in
option, then single best is mechanical
6. 65 year old male patient visited to ER for chest pain and his BP was measured as SBP 190 mmHg, DBP 100 mmHg, Pulse pressure 90 mmHg. Which of the following parameter that should decrease for this high pulse pressure
A. Arterial wall compliance
B. Stroke volume
C. Cardiac output
D. Myocardial contractility
Ans: A
Low compliance increases SBP, rising the PP.
7. Which of the following is not required for
calculation of creatine clearance ?
A. Urine creatine
B. Serum creatinine
C. Volume of urine in 24 hrs
D. Volume of serum in the kidney in 24hrs
Ans: D
This clearance estimation based on UV/P formula. 24
hour urine is collected and creatinine concertation is
8. Single neuron receive 500 inputs from 150
different sensory cells
A. Feedback inhibition
B. Feedforward excitation
C. Convergence
D. Divergence
Ans: C
This is an example of convergence of input signals
(excitatory or inhibitory) from multiple sources.
9. Mechanism of Transcutaneous electrical
stimulation (TENS) for pain management of pain:
A. Inhibitory neurotransmitter at spinal cord
B. Adrenergic receptor stimulation
C. Gating at spinal cord
D. Supraspinal control
Ans: C
Modulation of gate-control mechanism of pain serves
as the rationale behind the use of transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for pain relief.
This method uses electrodes to activate Aα and Aβ
fibers near the injury
10. In physiology viva, examiner asked to student
“who recorded first human EEG?. Student
responded ‘I don't know’. Examiner felt bad and
decide to give him a hint, “the name rhymes with
what you get at McDonald’s” Then the student
gave the right answer. Here, the student uses
which type of memory:
A. Priming
B. Reflex
C. Associated learning
D. Declarative memory
Ans: Priming
Priming is the facilitation of the recognition of words
or objects by prior exposure to them and is dependent
on the neocortex. Students answer “Hans Berger
recorded the first human EEGs in 1924!!!”.
Associative learning relates to classical and operant
conditioning in which one learns about the relationship
between one stimulus and another. This type of
memory is dependent on the amygdala for its
emotional responses and the cerebellum for the motor
11. The graph below shows the normal rate of
synthesis of the various haemoglobin chains in
utero, and after birth. Gamma chain of
haemoglobin is indicated by which of the
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Ans: B
The fetal hemoglobin (hemoglobin F) is composed of
α2γ2 [above graph, Chain A: α; Chain B: γ]
In young embryos there are, in addition, ζ and ε chains
[Chain D in above graph], forming Gower 1
hemoglobin (ζ2ε2) and Gower 2 hemoglobin (α2ε2).
Analysis: All questions are from basic textbook
only (Ganong/Guyton) and all questions are from
simple principle of physiology only. No
controversial questions.
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